Cheese moulds : Injection and boilermaking under the microscope
The manufacture of cheese moulds involves two main techniques that Servi Doryl uses on a daily basis: plastic injection and plastic boilermaking. Each has distinct advantages and disadvantages that influence the choice of the type of mould best suited to the specific needs of cheesemakers.
Boiler technology :

Boiled cheese moulds:
- Manufacturing process: The moulds and foncets/caps are made by machining and assembled by polyfusion from polypropylene or polyethylene plates screened and mechanically perforated following the process created by Servi Doryl.

- High design flexibility: Cheese molds can be made in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, including custom molds. This equipment can be used as Comté cheese molds, Raclette cheese molds, Emmental cheese molds, Morbier cheese molds, Parmesan cheese molds, Gruyère cheese molds…
- Ability to adapt to existing equipment: Some of our customers order molds which
- dimensions must match those of their existing park.
- Ease of modification: Boilermaking molds can be more easily modified or repaired after manufacture. Servi Doryl also offers an expertise and repair service.
- Choice of color: Today, we can make molds in natural or blue colors. To find out more, read our article on blue molds. Add link
This technique can be used to produce cylindrical or parallelepiped models. It’s then a matter of choosing the appropriate pattern and perforation.
At Servi Doryl, 40 combinations are possible for our cheese-making customers.

Injected technology

Injected cheese molds:
- Manufacturing process: The molten plastic material is injected under high pressure into a specific closed steel injection mold. This process makes it possible to produce precise and complex molds with uniform quality.

- High dimensional accuracy: Injected molds provide high geometric accuracy
- Rapid and automated production: Plastic injection allows rapid and automated mass production, ideal for large quantities.
- Possibility of creating complex shapes: This technique makes it possible to create moulds with elaborate and detailed shapes, impossible to obtain by other processes. Additionally, these molds can be assembled to create specific groupings.
- Ability to color molds: Injection molding offers a wide variety of different colors through the use of dyes. Many cheesemakers request one color per mold order. Thus, they identify at a glance the status of their mold fleet per order.
- Possibility of adding detectable materials: Servi Doryl offers its customers the use of materials detectable by X-ray or metal. To find out more, we invite you to read our article on this subject (

Specialized in this technique, we offer a wide range of diameters and shapes, with different patterns and microperforations depending on the model.
Here are the different types of molds that Servi Doryl offers its customers:
- Injection molds with or without bottoms, with or without perforations for soft cheeses
- Injected molds with micro-perforations, mainly for pressed cheeses
- Molds perforated after injection for pressed cheeses.
Backed by its experience in boiler making and plastic injection, Servi Doryl is able to offer its customers tailor-made molding and ripening solutions, optimized to meet their specific needs. By combining these two techniques, we can create complex, customized molds, offering great design freedom.
For example, we can produce injection molds with elaborate shapes, incorporating complex internal patterns, then assemble them to obtain finished products with the required dimensions and grouping.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our cheese mold experts for personalized advice.
Servi Doryl: manufacturer of cheese moulds for professionals
Specialist in plastics processing applied to cheese technology since 1972, Servi Doryl designs, produces and markets throughout the world, moulds, blocks-moulds, coagulation basins, drip trays, and many other products intended for the manufacture of all types of soft and pressed cheeses.