Legal mentions

Legal mentions

This website, as well as the subdomains thereof, are the property of Servi Doryl, SAS with a capital of €1,000,000, registered under no. 77525892400023, of which the head office is located in Z.I. Sud, 5 rue Lavoisier – 37130 Langeais – FRANCE.

The publication director of the Website is Pierre-Yves Lenglart, CEO.

The term “content of the website” means: the general structure of the website, the URL address at which it can be accessed, the corresponding domain name, the site’s graphic charter, the texts, images whether or not animated, the sounds that it comprises, the brands and logos of Servi Doryl.

Any total or partial representation of the website or of the content thereof by any method whatsoever, without prior and express authorisation from Servi Doryl, is illegal in terms of Article L.122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code and is deemed an act of counterfeiting sanctioned under Articles L.335-2 et seq. of the same code.

The same applies to the partial or full extraction and/or use of the databases that may be present on the website, which are the property of Servi Doryl in the capacity of producer and are protected as such in application of the provision of Articles L.341-1 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.

Design and creation
BTG Communication

Monsieur David DARRAULT


Servi Doryl